Systemic Coaching provides a solution focused approach to improving your wellbeing and quality of life. A human connection where we ‘matter’ can be healing in itself and systemic coaching can provide a safe space in order to work on issues that are important to you. This work can make a real difference to your life.
We can work creatively on personal, relationship and/or work issues bringing you more in touch with your sense of purpose.
Do you feel held back from taking the first steps towards the life that you want to live?
Do you have a sense that something is blocking you from moving forward in your personal, relationship or work life?
Are there repeating patterns in your personal and/or work relationships that are unhelpful to you?
Is the team or organisation you work in stuck with old patterns and looking for how to create new energy and improve staff morale?
Systemic Coaching can identify what is needed to enable us in taking the first steps towards resolution, in a truly personal way, in relationships, family or work issues.
It can also identify how key events or traumas impact on us – leading to repeating patterns of belief that still affect our lives. It can help to disentangle us from previous patterns of belief and behaviours.
Systemic solution focused work can help you make the movement that is needed to bring about whatever change is needed to add value and meaning to your life. It is a relatively short-term approach to issues that have appear to be stuck or overwhelming.
Work Based
Systemic Coaching will help identify what is adversely affecting team functioning or staff morale. Solutions can be simple and are often based on identifying how the team or organisation is structured in relation to its primary purpose and can lead to improved staff wellbeing and productivity.
About Me
My interest in Systemic Constellation work initially began through attending Organisational Constellations Workshops which are focused on improving the working of business and organisations. At the time I was working in the NHS as part of a management team undergoing significant changes. This was a fresh approach to how I had thought about my work and personal life.
I was inspired to go onto complete training in both Organisational and Family Constellations with the Nowhere Foundation and the Centre for Systemic Constellations (formerly the Centre for the study of Intimate and Social Systems) respectively between 2003 and 2007.
I have since updated my practice through workshops and trainings regularly with CSC and the Whole Partnership.
My early career has always been people focused with over 30 years’ experience as a health care professional. I worked as an Occupational Therapist in adult, children and young people’s mental health services, inviting people to work creatively to find ways through life’s challenges.
As an Occupational Therapist I work in partnership with people with the aim of enhancing meaning and purpose in their life. I have also trained as a Play Therapist and now offer clinical supervision in this area.
Throughout my career I have been involved in leadership positions within my professional organisation. In later years I moved into management roles in the National Health Service where managing change is a constant.
I have brought creativity and compassion to the way I work with people both as a therapist, manager and leader. I have facilitated team building days, coached staff and been part of a management team leading teams through times of organisational change.
As an Occupational Therapist I use my creative skills – together with the principles and practice of systemic constellations – in my coaching, organisational consultancy and training.